I've been wanting to put a list together of my favorite foods for awhile, but haven't had the time too. Over the holiday day off I finally put my "Top 10" list together. Hope you enjoy...
My Top 10 Foods
10.) Fried Fish with Hushpuppies: With my husband being the great fisherman he is we always have plenty of fish in the deep freeze. Crappie is my favorite. Yes, I have it spelled correct for those of you that have never heard of crappie…..pronounced Craw-pee. It is truly the best deep fried fish. Then served up along my Grandmother’s Hush Puppies…..it’s a winning pair.
9.) Homemade Pizza: I’m not talking about that greasy pizza you get from one of the “chain” restaurants either. I’m talking about pizza you make at home, with from scratch ingredients. I think that homemade pizzas are so much better than anything you could get in a restaurant. When I make myself a pizza, I like loading it up with zucchini, sun dried tomatoes, garlic, a few peppers, feta cheese, and fresh parmesan. Try making your own homemade pizza tonight….
8.) Central Dairy’s Texas Pecan Ice Cream: As I have said before I no longer reside on my parent’s farm, my husband and I live around the Jefferson City, MO area. Here in Jeff City I have found the best ice cream I have ever laid my lips on. Central Dairy manufactures milk and ice cream in Mid-Missouri. Central Dairy opened back when the milk was hauled in by the horse drawn wagon, and it was quality then, and quality now. One of the few milk delivery businesses still going in the entire country, they also have the best pre-packaged ice cream in town, and questionably in the state. Try the Moose Tracks, or the Tiger (after the Mizzou Tigers) tracks, or one of their other specialty flavors. You'll come away knowing why they are listed as one of Jefferson City's must visit places. My personal favorite is the Texas Pecan….it is also my father’s favorite.
7.) Fresh from the garden green beans: Yes, you are probably thinking what is so special about green beans….but have you ever had garden picked green beans? Oh my goodness! My mother cans I don’t know how many quarts of green beans every year, which means that same great taste all year round. I like cooking them in some beef broth, bacon strips and put some freshly toasted almonds on top when served.
6.) Mama’s Homemade Mac ‘n’ Cheese: I don’t care how old we get…mac ‘n’ cheese is still an American favorite. I was never one of those kids that liked the Kraft kind though…..it had to my mother’s own or nothing. She would always serve this with ham and it was the perfect pair.
5.) Cornbread: Any southerner knows what good cornbread is. It’s served with practically everything at a meal. Cooked in oil in a well prepared cast iron skillet and served piping hot with butter (yes butter) not that fake stuff…Although most are familiar with the “sweetened” cornbread, I personally favor my mother’s “unsweetened” batch. Give me a frosty mug, milk and some cornbread and I will be in hog heaven!
4.) Fried Okra: As you can tell…fried foods are some of my favorites. I just got the first cutting of okra out of my garden this past weekend and I can’t wait to whip me up a batch of fried okra. To me the only true way to eat okra is fried, but it also goes very nice in some beef stew. Okra also is a natural thickener when placed in a stew or soup. My husband is one of those “ranch people.” You know has to have ranch dressing on everything he eats. His favorite is with fried okra.
3.) Grandma’s Chicken and Dumplings: I remember as a little girl going to family gatherings and the first thing everyone went for was my Grandmother Hart’s Chicken and Dumplings. When I was sick or not feeling well grandma would make a pot of dumplings and bring them to me. Now my cousin Tracey is the Chicken and Dumplings maker of our family. I am still trying to learn all the tricks to making it just like grandma.
2.) Steak and Lobster: I don’t eat this meal but maybe twice a year…and I never make it at home. I like to eat at the best restaurant in town and order my steak medium-rare and enjoy. A steak must always be medium rare…..that is the only way to get the true taste of the meat….trust me I grew up on a beef farm!
1.) Pie: Apple, peach, pumpkin, cream, pecan, strawberry-rhubarb, blueberry, cherry, lemon, gooseberry, raspberry, coconut cream, French coconut, I could go on and on…..Pie is my absolute… hands down…going for a touchdown favorite food of all time. But one condition: it has to be homemade crust! None of that store bought dough that tastes like rubber and is chewy….I’ll pass on that. It has to be homemade and it has to be pie……
July 5, 2006
My Top 10 Foods
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hey, lane, what is your favorite pizza crust recipe?
hey, lane, what is your favorite pizza crust recipe?
I will be posting that recipe sometime this week...be looking for it!
I wish you can write all of you gramdma recipes, they sound so good. Do you know that the famous Frenchand & Spanish gourmet foods originaly came from the matriarch of the families. throughout the years recipes has change by wonderful and innovated new Chef like you. Keep writting The excellent gastronomy variation of food
Thanks for you very kind comments. I enjoy taking an old recipe and putting my own spin on it. I am lucky enough to have a wonderful grandmother and mother that have taught me so much. I also have a mother-in-law that is a wonderful cook also.
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