Spring is one of my favorite times of the year for many reasons…smells of cut grass, tulips, warmer days and nights, gardening …but the real reason I enjoy spring is for the taste of fresh asparagus.
I was at our monthly Central Missouri Master Gardening meeting last night and my friend (and former Director of Agriculture) Lowell Mohler was the guest speaker. The topic- “Growing Asparagus.”
Lowell was nice enough to bring me a large bag of freshly cut asparagus from his 2 ½ acre asparagus plot. If you’ve ever eaten fresh asparagus- there’s nothing like it.
Most people think they are eating fresh asparagus in the stores- but they are so mistaken. Most of the asparagus found in grocery stores is at least 1 week old, some 2 weeks old.
Many folks only know one way to cook asparagus- boil it to death. This is totally the wrong technique. Asparagus shouldn’t be cooked very long at all.
At my house we enjoy grilled asparagus- this is my husband’s favorite way to prepare it!
Grilled Asparagus for Two
10 asparagus stems
Salt and pepper to taste
2 T. butter
Wrap in tin foil tightly. Place on indirect heat for 5 minutes a side.
April 29, 2009
Grilled Asparagus
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Labels: Farmers' Markets, Gardening, Healthy Meals, Vegetables
April 21, 2009
Gardening...A Way of Life
Lately around our house it's been lazy nights, easy dinners and lots and lots of help from my husband. Being pregnant really takes it out of you- I never imagined how tired, excited, scattered brained and nervous one body could be!
Today was a filling day and I found that I pushed myself a little too much when it was 4pm at the office and my back ached like I was an 80 year old (no offense to those that are reading this and are 80). What caused this?
At my work we are putting in a community garden for our employees and somehow I got put on the organization committee- along with some other wonderful folks I work with- and we are responsible for about everything.
What does everything include? Try- building more than 20 raised beds for the vegetables, getting soil and mulch hauled in, picking up over 40 tomato plants, 20 pepper plants, getting sponsors for seeds, gardening equipment, new landscape design plans for the front of our building, herb garden.....the list goes on and on. I'm so thankful to be helped by two other very motivated co-workers that are real go-getters.
Today, a fellow co-worker finished some of the raised beds and moved them around in different locations on the grounds and then filled the beds with soil. I went to pick up plants from the Central Missouri Master Gardeners (who were kind enough to donate to our cause) and pick up all the equipment needs. I then had to set-up our watering system, water the plants, organize seeds, tools and gloves for the employees and finally we were ready to plant! Then about 2pm many of our employees started coming out to help plant the tomatoes and pepper plants after listening to a gardening 101 short course. (This is an educational course for some, but others are green thumbs).
All and all it was a great day and fun was had by all! Our gardens will serve as an educational piece to the public, but promote a healthy lifestyle to our employees. I mean who wouldn't want to go outside for a couple hours a week (during work time) to play in the dirt and get some good exercise? I know I will be spending a lot of time outdoors this summer getting my hand dirty.
We will also be putting in a small orchard, raspberry and blackberry plants, Norton and Concord Grapes, 5 pumpkin patches, a very large plot of sweet corn, some cut flowers- and who knows what else! The best thing- all produce goes back to our employees!
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Labels: For Fun, Gardening, Healthy Meals, Vegetables
April 16, 2009
Gotta a Craving
What to do when a craving hits…that’s been my dilemma lately. Do I indulge, do I ignore the craving, what is a healthy option to fulfill the grumble in my tummy.
I’ve had cravings and food aversions all at the same time for the past month and a half- how does this happen- will being pregnant your body is totally out of wack. At least that is what I have decided, but I wouldn’t change it for the world! (Yes, many readers lately have been asking about the new label on the blog “pregnancy recipes” and yes they were correct the McConnell’s are expecting a little one November 18.) We are very excited - here is our Week 9 photo!
I’ve read that for those that have the all day morning sickness or upset stomachs that lemons help- and it’s worked for me. Drinking lemonade, making lemon spaghetti, or simply putting lemon in my water has soothed my stomach so far.
Lightened-Up Lemon Bars
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Labels: Baked Goods, Cakes and Cookies, Desserts, For Fun, Pregnancy Recipes
April 7, 2009
Farmers' Markets Begin to Open Across Missouri
Yep- it's that time of the year! Farmers' Markets are opening up across the state and I couldn't be more happy!
Finally- fresh and local vegetables and other foods to cook with! Between Dec-March I kinda get a little depressed. Why? Because I have to rely on getting my fruits and vegetables from the grocery store and we all know that store bought tomatoes don't even hold a candle to home-grown tomatoes.
Find a market near you today!
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Labels: Farmers' Markets, Vegetables